Exchanging wedding rings. A tradition dating back many centuries, with the symbolism of wearing them become commonplace in many cultures around the globe.
But, where exactly did this tradition come from and what did it mean?
The Wedding Rings Exchanged
To find the first instance of what we refer to as the exchange of wedding rings, we need to shift our attention to ancient Egyptian scrolls dating back over 3000 years ago.
In these scrolls, they show couples exchanging rings that were braided from hemp or reeds. Naturally, they were quite fragile. However, sturdier rings made from leather, bone, or even ivory were offered instead of their more delicate counterparts.
The worth of the ring determined the amount of love being shown–a more expensive ring was worth more and illustrated greater love between the couple. Historians have also discovered that the belief was that these rings were a symbol of the couple’s infinite love and commitment between one another and that the circular shape of the ring shows no beginning or end to their love, with the open centre symbolising the doorway to the couple’s future together.
Wedding Rings: When In Rome…
Shifting our focus from Egypt to Rome, where we can find a similar custom.
Following a similar tradition, the groom would present his bride with an iron ring. Because of the iron ring’s durability, it, therefore, showcased the strength and permanence of the marriage between the bride and groom.
Historians also believed that the Romans were the first civilization to engrave the rings, too.
Now, since we’ve covered where this tradition originated from, we now have to ask: why was the ring placed on the fourth finger.
This comes from both the Romans and the Greek civilizations. They believed this finger contained the vein of love and therefore placing it on the fourth finger on the left hand becomes a symbol of love between a couple.
This is only one theory, though.
Another theory points us to the Christian marriage ceremony. While reciting the binding prayer, the minister would touch the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger of the bride and groom’s left hand. As the word “Amen” was then spoken, they would place a wedding band on the fourth finger, which sealed the union.
In many European countries, couples can be seen wearing their wedding bands on their right hand, however, many believe that the left hand was chosen upon which to wear their ring as many people are right-handed, reducing the amount of damage the wedding rings would receive.
The Renaissance Period
Let’s shift focus to the 16th and 17th centuries.
Tracking the history of the wedding ring, it was a custom for couples to wear gimmal rings. These were rings that were made of two parts that fit together to make one larger ring. During their engagement, the bride and groom would each wear one part of the ring.
During the wedding ceremony, the groom would unite his part of the ring with the bride’s, uniting the set.
It was also during the Renaissance they introduced when more ornate silver rings.
In Colonial America, however, the husband-to-be would give his future wife a thimble. Not the most romantic of gestures by today’s standards, however, during this period, jewellery was as frivolous. Making do with the thimble, women would remove the top section, creating a ring.
In many religions and cultures, it is commonplace to exchange other gifts besides the wedding ring. Gifts included the Hindu bichiya toe ring and the iron bangle of West Bengal.
Today, however…
… this symbolism persists, still.
Through many cultures whose tradition saw that only women would wear a wedding ring, to during World War II where soldiers would wear their rings as a sign of commitment and as a reminder to their wives while stationed overseas.
And, through the years, with the rising popularity of wedding rings, diverse rings and styles were created from materials like gold, silver, and platinum.
Today, more durable rings made from medical grade silicone exist. They are made for men and women with more active lifestyles. And, with their contemporary designs serving both form and function, they’ve become a popular way for couples to showcase their undying love and commitment towards one another.